Steve Jobs – The Mind Behind Apple | From College Dropout To The Legacy Of Apple

Steve Jobs - The Mind Behind Apple

The Apple logo is identifiable whether you’re travelling through rural areas of India or on a bustling street in New York City. When you see an iPhone or a Mac, you immediately know who made it. Apple has accomplished more than just technological superiority. The brand has achieved what many people aspire to: global brand awareness and a legacy that will outlast everyone alive today. This kind of achievement, however, does not happen quickly and is difficult to duplicate.

Most people are aware that Apple lost the PC battles to Microsoft, but they only have a rudimentary knowledge of how the business changed course when it introduced the iPod and subsequently the iPhone.

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne created Apple Computer Company on April 1, 1976, to build and sell Wozniak’s Apple I personal computer.

Inspirational Childhood Of Steven Paul Jobs

Steve was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco. His biological parents were Joanna Schieble, a PhD student, and Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian teaching assistant. Abdullah and Joanne met at the University of Wisconsin, fell in love, and embarked on a trip to Syria together. They were not prepared to become parents when Joanne became pregnant. When they returned home, they decided to give their kid up for adoption.

Jobs preferred to accomplish things on his own as a child. He was a competitive swimmer, but he disliked team sports and other group activities. He was always fascinated with electronics and gadgets. He spent a lot of time in the garage workshop of a neighbour who worked for the electronics company Hewlett-Packard.

Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, for two years after graduating from high school in 1972. In the summer of 1974, he dropped out after one semester to travel to India and study eastern religions. Jobs became a member of the Homebrew Computer Club in 1975. One of the members, Steve Wozniak (1950–), was attempting to develop a small computer. Jobs was enthralled by the marketing potential of such a machine. He and Wozniak founded their own corporation in 1976. It was given the name Apple Computer Company in honour of a joyful summer spent by Jobs gathering apples. By selling Jobs’ microbus and Wozniak’s calculator, they were able to raise $1,300 in seed money.At first they sold circuit boards (the boards that hold the internal components of a computer) while they worked on the computer prototype (sample).

The Birth Of Apple – How Luxury Was Born

Everyone’s favorite start-up has a tech fairytale beginning with one garage, three pals, and extremely humble origins. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…

Jobs and Wozniak may have been Apple’s most visible founders, but there would be no iPhone, iPad, or iMac today if it weren’t for their friend Ronald Wayne. Jobs persuaded Wayne to take 10% of the firm stock and act as an arbiter if he and Woz got into a fight, but Wayne backed out 12 days later, selling a holding that would have been worth $72 billion 40 years later for just $500.

Rise & Fall Of Steve Jobs – Just Like Another Super Hero

Steve Jobs’ journey, like that of most other heroes, was not without its challenges and setbacks. Steve Jobs remained unfazed by the ups and downs, seeing them as opportunities to turn things around and advance the industry he founded toward a brighter future.

After putting up a lot of effort and hunting out investors, they were finally able to get some funding. Apple began with a bang, making headlines around the world.

He was one of the youngest persons to be named to Forbes’ list of the country’s wealthiest people, a remarkable achievement that he accomplished without inheriting any wealth from his family.

When he was fired from the Macintosh Group, his life gave him a shove that caused him to collapse. However, his departure marked the start of a new chapter in his career. He stood tall and determined to start his new company, NeXT Computer Co.

Jobs offered a perfect example of tireless efforts to reinvent oneself in order to flourish after many ups and downs.

Later, NeXT and Apple united to create the iOS we know today. But Jobs, who had always desired to develop a large empire, was unsatisfied. He put money into a company named Graphics Group, which is today known as Pixar.

End Of A Golden Era – When Steve Left The World

Everything had returned to normal and was running smoothly. But, unexpectedly, the world was stunned when he was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. Jobs refused to see a doctor or receive any medical treatment. Instead, he turned to natural methods that he believed would treat his ailment, such as relying on herbal juices and vegan diets. But his plans backfired, causing his health to deteriorate severely.

After a few years, Jobs was unable to work regularly and resigned from Apple. He continued to work at Apple and died peacefully six weeks after his last day of work, surrounded by his family.

Many people consider Steve Jobs to be a marketing genius since he turned Apple products into a status symbol for the next generation. Steve Jobs will be regarded as the most renowned entrepreneur of all time due to his great personality and intelligence!

Despite the fact that Steve Jobs’ life was cut short, his legacy lives on. His life serves as an example to millions of others of how failure may lead to new chances and how to turn failure into a success story.

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