4 Digital Marketing Strategies That Led to The Success of My Insurance Company

Every business needs a digital marketing strategy in place, as consumers and industries are evolving, so it’s vital that you keep up with these changes. I’m here to focus specifically on the insurance industry and the digital strategies that helped to make my insurance company a success, as it is known to be a more traditional sector, so often businesses don’t prioritise their digital visibility. While businesses may be happy as they are, it’s key to start building your digital presence, as it doesn’t happen overnight and you don’t want to be left behind. Plus, it provides you with a whole new potential audience to target, which will help you build stability for your business. So, let’s get into it!

Clearly Identify The Target Market

The first stage you should complete is to clearly identify your target market. You may think you know who your target market is based on your current clients; however, when moving more into the digital landscape, it’s really important that you conduct thorough target market analysis and also general market research. As well as analysing your existing customers, you can spend time understanding who else may be the right audience for you.

The best place to start here is to fully analyse your offering, the issues your business solves and who it would appeal to. For example, if you have a credit insurance business, you may generally know the patterns of the kinds of customers you have, but are there any gaps you might not be filling or audiences you might be overlooking with a lot of potential? You may not have covered the recruitment industry for example, in your new customer outreach, where there is so much potential and opportunity for people who work in credit insurance. At this point, you should also be conducting thorough market research, to see what your competitors are doing, which you could then look to replicate, or you could also look at the areas they’re not covering and use that to set your business apart.


One of the best things you can invest in for your insurance business from a digital perspective is SEO. Search engine optimisation is about making sure that when a user searches for something relevant to your business on a search engine, you’re appearing. This is by far the most cost-effective marketing channel, as you’re investing in appearing in front of people who, at that moment, are looking for the exact service you offer (which is only possible when you work with the right agency and target the right terms). Compared to things like social media ads or more traditional ads like those on TV, radio or newspapers, it’s much more targeted, and you know that the money you’re investing is in people genuinely interested, rather than showing an ad to thousands of people hoping someone will be interested, then also having no real way to measure the results.

Our best piece of advice would be to work with a good agency, as SEO is constantly evolving and it’s a complex section of the digital landscape. To get the most out of SEO, choose an agency that is well-recommended.

Focus On Your Website

If you haven’t put much effort into your website, then it’s time that you do. Websites are now the face of your business, and the way that a website looks and the ability for a user to interact well could make or break whether that person becomes a client. Your website should look clean and professional in the insurance industry, as well as provide an easy structure and make it simple for a user to make an inquiry about your service. A poor website (one that is slow, difficult to use, confusing to navigate, unresponsive, and has poor content and inconsistent branding) won’t cut it these days, so you should invest in getting your website up to scratch. This will also help you support the rest of your digital strategy.

Push Reviews

In general, across industries, people like to see reviews and other people’s opinions before they commit to a product or service, so encouraging people to leave reviews for your business is key. Whether it’s on your Google My Business profile (this can also help to support your SEO campaign) or TrustPilot, this just helps to give that extra element of trust to encourage them to choose you over one of your competitors. When people have a good experience, they’re usually happy to leave a review, so it could be as simple as asking your existing clients if they would like to leave a review for you! This can help transform your insurance business with that increased element of online trust.

Final Thoughts

Having a strong digital marketing strategy will give your business the best opportunity to compete against competitors and introduce your brand to a range of new markets. It’s something that can’t be ignored or skipped in today’s online world.
